I’m so late *BIRTH STORY*

Hannah • 25 Taylor Grace 5/16/18 • Aleksander Jay 4/20/2022


Taylor’s original due date was May 15th, and when they did an ultrasound to see how big she was, they changed it to May 25th.

They were mistaken.

May 15th, I had a weekly check-up with my OB. For the last month I had been only 1cm and 50% effaced. I was getting so anxious and fed up because I was not making any progress whatsoever. When my doc was checking me, his whole demeanor changed and he looked up at me and said “You’re at 3 and 50%. I can stimulate you now and put you in labor.” So I look at my boyfriend and I look back at the doc and I’m like “Yes, that’s fine.” So he then stripped my membranes and he helped me down off the table. He told me we would either see a baby today or tomorrow, no doubt.

So now at this point, its 9:30am, I’m ugly crying on my boyfriend because we’re gonna meet our daughter soon. I am too excited.

So all day I have what I thought were Braxton hicks (keep in mind this is my first). So I wasn’t all too concerned with the contractions/braxton hicks. I never felt too much pain, and I only had one or two contractions that made me stop and take a couple deep breaths but they weren’t bad.

My boyfriend and I live an hour away from the hospital so he wouldn’t let us leave town at all. His nerves were so bad poor thing. We ended up staying in town all day (I had my hospital bags and everything packed up and already with us), and around 5:30pm I started having a little bit of pain. So I used the bathroom and found I started to have my bloody show. 😬 I was SO NERVOUS.

So I tell my boyfriend like “This is it. We gotta go.” And we drove to the hospital. So I get there and they admit me and I’m thinking like “Pshh. I jumped the gun. Their just gonna check me and I’ll go home.” ha, nope. The nurse comes in and checks me and tells me I’m at 4cm and 75%, and that I am not going anywhere. 😦 Ommmggg.

Then around 10pm they ask me if I want to break my water and get my epi and I’m so emotional, and I tell them no because I don’t want to rush my baby. My mom starts sending me texts from across the room and my dad does too, basically telling me to just do it and get it over with. I tell them both I don’t want to rush her and MY MOM catches an attitude with me. My best friend is there comforting me and tells me “You dont have to give in. Just do what you feel is right.” Thank God for her. So two hours later, after alot of praying and thinking, I request to have my epidural and my water broken.

Fast forward they break my water, and they couldn’t get my epidural in right, and I end up with a failed spinal. (ugh. They stuck me 3-4 times.)

Around 4:00am my contractions were getting closer together and I could feel my contractions. So at this point I’m confused like is my spinal working or not??? (It wasnt.) I was not in a whole lot of pain so I brushed it off. Around 4:30 I was having a lot of pressure and I kept feeling the urge to push. The pressure was mostly the only thing I did feel and it brought tears to my eyes. They checked me at 4:45 and told me I was at a 9 and I was complete. They called for the doc on call, and let me labor down for another 15 minutes. At 5:00am I started pushing, and at 5:17am, May 16th, 2018, my first daughter was born.

Again sorry for the late post!!!