First kiss/relationship stories👇

Okay I’ll go first. So I’m 17 and so is the guy. We just were friends for a few years then he started liking me, and I kinda started liking him. We talked all the time, he just kinda ended up being my absolute best friend, we told each other everything. Our friend group hung out a lot (no one in my grade goes on very many official dates). Me and him were talking about going and seeing a movie, it was our first date. We’d held hands once before and it was just so nice and comfortable to be around him. He’s so animated when he watches movies it’s so cute. He drove me home and when I was about to get out of the car he leaned in and kissed me. My brain kinda freaked out and I didn’t know what to think. Like it didn’t feel like I expected a kiss to feel. But I was so happy. I liked him so so much. We hung out a few more times (no we didn’t kiss again) then after like 2 weeks he started to act really distant. And he told my best friend he didn’t like me anymore. It kinda broke my heart. The worst part was like a week after that he made out with this other gal. Which made my first kiss mean absolutely nothing. We weren’t friends for a while. And then we were friends a little. I was asked by someone else to prom, after prom all my family said he was looking at me a lot. This kinda gave me some hope. I still liked him a lot but I was trying to get over him. Then the next week we had a trip (ffa - a school club) and I met this kid from a different school at the dance and he kissed me and held my hand in frount of Bridger (my first kiss guy) he looked at me like he was pissed. I kinda just wanted to make him jealous but I pushed him away. And we hardly talk. I really kinda wish he would just be my best friend again. But I also wish he would like me again.

Your turn I want to hear everyone’s stories