Implant bleeding?? Someone please help!


So today I started spotting mid cycle which has never ever happened to me before!

Today I’m day 19 of my cycle (10 of June ) . I Ovulated between the 2nd -8 th of June 11th -17 th of my cycle . We’ve had sex during my ovulation days ( unprotected)

Could this be implant bleeding??

I’m not sure how it works ( implant bleeding?

Is that to early for implant bleeding?

Only been 2 days post ovulation.. but my highest ovulation day was 5 days ago..

Some one please help me any advice is sooo appreciated why could i be bleeding on my 19th day of my cycle?? It’s never ever happened before ?? Also been having a few cramps through out the day..

Last time I got pregnant I didn’t bleed at all but I did lose the pregnancy back in December ..