Any advice??

Today I broke up with my boyfriend and we have been together for a while now ... hes in the Army and knew things would be hard but still went for it ......

when we first started dating he would always talk to me and talk sweet to me but farther into the relationship he stopped and would then always tell me that he wasnt a romantic guy and i was okay with it but thought it was weird since he started out being all sweet... as things started to get more serious I always gave him my attention and love but it was never the same when I needed it... even with all of this going on i still wanted to be there for him... he always told me that family first but didnt even put me as part of his family... most of the time I started to feel like I was the last thing on his mind... when ever he came home he would barely make time for me and well I thought maybe he really missed his family but it just wasn’t fair to me anymore. I didn’t even need him in my life but i wanted him in it... he always told me that he wasn’t a romantic person and this and that.... but if he actually really loved me he would have at least tried... even with a simple text “you look beautiful today” and with not even seeing me would have made my day.... ig my mom had a point .... she always told me that if a guy really wanted to be with me that no matter what that guys has going on they will always make time for the woman they want... and he didn’t even try.

Now im here laying in my bed feeling like I made a big mistake... but ik in the long run it would be what is best sum it up just want to let everyone know that you do matter and your feelings matter too don’t let anyone one put you second in their life

P.s. any advice to get over my first love that can help me would be greatly appreciated