I'm very confused

I'm feeling incredibly conflicted. I met a guy back in October and we just hooked up. He then left for a job across the country in November and we kept in contact. He came back in April we we got together right away. We sleep together but he takes me out almost all the time for dinner or lunch. He said his roommates really like me, I've met some of his other friends. He calls me cutie, always making sure I'm okay. It's gotten to the point I'm confused where our relationship stands. We did agree we can sleep with other people but both of us are too busy too. At the moment I'm out of college so I'm not in his town. We did talk and he suggested seeing what happens at the end of the summer when I come back in August. He told me before we were just sexual. He's not sure if we will become more or not. He wants me to visit and tells me he misses me. I'm just lost because I don't think other FWB are this close and I don't want to be pulled along on a string. He did sleep with another girl before me and he told me he ended it because she caught feelings after one time and was crazy. Therefore I'm nervous he'll drop me if I mention it again.