Stay at home mom!

Erica • 👨🏻‍🏭 wife 🐕 🐕 mom 🐈 🐈 mom 🐎 🐎 mom 👼 👼🏻 🌈👧🏻👧🏼🤰🏻

I am newly a stay at home mom. Pregnant with my second daughter. My husband told me to quit my job, because I wasn’t happy, and he wants me to take care of our girls now. Which is fine a I agreed.

I have never had to rely on him for money. I have always paid my own bills, and paid for anything I have wanted or needed.

Now I have to rely on him. I’m uncomfortable with this. I don’t know how to tell him I need money when I need it. We have never shared a bank account. Never had a reason too.

I guess this all stems from his mother hating my guts, and being a money thriving person. She’s constantly talking about money, and never has anything nice to say about me. When we told her we were getting married she lost her mind. We eloped, and the reason we did was because his health insurance is better, and he wanted to put me on it.

So I’m not only almost 7 months pregnant, but now my anxiety is through the roof.