
So this is the second month in a row that I’ve been on here and the 2nd Month that my OVULATION day has been moved back .. which I find very strange. .... yesterday it was on the 12 (which actually later than all my other apps,3 other apps says the 10th) and now

Today it says the 13th... I use other apps and am OPK but still i find that glows Ovulation date is always later keeps moving depending on what I enter in my daily log... This shouldn’t be because it should be based on my period and cycle

Length... It’s frustrating enough already .. smh ... I may just have to use the other apps ... cause out of all of my apps ... this one is the most far off ..:. And still keeps moving the day back.

One was taken yesterday morning the other one this morning! WHY IS MY DAY MOVING BACK!!!!🙄