Double check me ladies

Shannon • Momma of 1 beautiful girl and a baby boy on the way 💙

Alright so today I was supposed to call my doctors office to get progesterone today so I took a test just to double check that I wasn’t pregnant (because of birth defects that can be caused when taking progesterone when pregnant) and I SWEAR that in person I could see the faintest line. The last picture was taken about five minutes after the three minute mark. I know it could be invalid but 1) I saw the beginnings of it in time frame and 2) anytime I’ve tested on the past and got a bfn, the window was completely clear even like twenty minutes after time frame. I have irregular cycles so idk for sure when I ovulated but if it was when I think it was, I’m 12 dpo.

Please please look at this ladies!!! I don’t want to risk taking progesterone if there’s something in there!!

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