I need someone mind who has been using ovulation tests for a while!!

Stacia • 💍7*10*16 👶12*19*17 🤰🏼6*5*19

Ok so I guess I should explain more than just pictures. So I have 3 different <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">fertility apps</a> (not sure why I need 3, I just downloaded different ones) well all of them have all of my monthly information, and they all are telling me different ovulation dates. I'm not sure if it's because I was 20 days late last month for my period or not but anyways I bought the 7 pack of ovulation tests from Wal-Mart and I have taken 3 starting on the 9th. the 9th and the 10th were somewhat dark but not as dark as the reference line so I figured the 11th or 12th would be the day. well today (11th) the line is lighter than the past 2 days...does anyone have any idea of what might be happening. the pictures are below, and yes I realize they are outside of their time period but they haven't changed

in darkness since I took them. And I have the different apps listed with what they are saying my fertile days are and when I ovulate

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