Praying for a birthday miracle 🀞🏻❀️


Little back story, my husband and I have been ttc since July of 2017. And every month of bfn’s gets harder than the last. 😭 my last period was from May 9th-May 19th, I didn’t track my ovulation but we aren’t trying to obsess over ttc anymore.

we are just trying to BD every other day or so.. According to glow I was supposed to ovulate the 2nd. I have been taking prenatals since 07/17 and we both started taking maca root 3 months ago, we are also using preseed. I had some spotting and light cramps 7&8 DPO so I’m hoping that it was implantation bleeding! My birthday is the 13th and I’m going to test, I will be 11 DPO. other than that I will just wait to see if AF shows. Do you think that the picture below could be implation bleeding? Thanks for reading and please send good thoughts and baby dust. ❀️✨