Noooooo Nurture 😡


So my plan to tell my husband when he got back from his trip was ruined.

I used the <a href="">Nurture</a> App to track my son's pregnancy. I forgot he was connected to the account. Well I added the new pregnancy. He called me and said, "I just got an email. Are you pregnant?" The app emailed both of us that it was the start of the 5th week. 😡

I texted him a picture of my son wearing his big brother shirt.

He was so shocked at first, but in his defense he was in line at the airport and found out from an email. I'd be shocked too. He says he is happy, wants a girl, and was very concerned (did you go to the doctor? Any bleeding? Bloodwork? 21 questions). I can't believe I kept it to myself for almost 2 weeks and it got ruined the day he's getting home. He lands after midnight tonight.