Amber • Ttc since 4/19/15 BFP @ 5-4-18! Blighted Ovum 6-12-18. Chemical 8-26-18.. NOW 🤰🏻 . Hispanic/Arabian Blood line.🇾🇪🇵🇷

I wrote this earlier and no one responded.

These are my results from my ultrasound at the hospital ( they didn’t let me see the actual ultrasound happen )

This is my first pregnancy and I’m just so torn I need some type of light or positivity, I’ve been having crying episodes since I heard the news. There is my hcg June 4th

My hcg June 10th

Just beside myself... my levels were going up really good in the beginning I went from 67 on my 8th to 120 on May 9th. I’ve been having all the pregnancy symptoms minus puking but always nauseous sore breasts hungry all the time. I even gained 10 lbs for god sakes. 😢☹️ tomorrow is my appt with my OB to actually see the ultrasound and I’m just hoping the emergency room had old equipment and I hope they measure hcg differently than my actual doctors. Since I found out I was pregnant my whole life has turned around for the better and I will just be shattered.......... I was on heavy drugs honestly and always with the wrong crowd in a deep depression I didn’t care for myself but since I found out I was pregnant I changed all of that completely. Someone please advise me! Send me baby dust and prayers I need it. I’m the one who cares the most about this pregnancy than anyone I know and I just can’t lose it.