You’re not alone.

Chelsey • 27, Happily Married, Baby Boy born 12.13.18 👶🏻💙

This is my first pregnancy. My husband and I were very eager to start a family after we got married in January 2017, but decided to spend a year together enjoying married life, and then began trying. We got pregnant easily, and we were over the moon excited. We are due in December.

I never had morning sickness, but felt awful every single day ALL. DAY. LONG. Headaches, nausea, fatigue, just yucky. Our house is the place for everyone to gather, and every weekend and some week nights, we have a full house/yard/garage. It has been a seriously tough adjustment being pregnant and to watch all of our friends and family have a blast while I want to curl up in ball and die. My symptoms have finally started to calm down.

I was beginning to feel very alone in the pregnancy world of women. Everyone you talk to talks about how beautiful pregnancy is... I even know women who want to be pregnant all of the time because they love it so much 😳🙅🏻‍♀️... I began to feel like an outcast until I came across a post titled “Hate being pregnant?” on this app. And I was washed over with a wave of relief -I am not alone.

I’ve included a screenshot of the post because I love how bluntly and to the point it is worded.

Anyway, even after reading the post and the others women’s comments in agreement, I worried... I sat in a OBGYN office reading a poster that said “What if the happiest time of your life isn’t so happy at all?” -A poster about Post-Partum Depression. I read it over and over, worrying that I was absolutely going to be a woman who has this problem because I hate being pregnant so much.

But then I went to my doctor today. When I walked into the room, I realized I was getting an ultra sound, SURPRISE! We haven’t had one since 6 weeks, and are now 13w1d.. And I

was told today’s appointment was just for blood work. She lubed up my belly, and then..

Our baby 👶🏻💜 Not a little blob, alien or gummy bear like our first ultra sound. An actual human-looking baby. And it really helped put things into perspective for me, and I believe my husband too (who is AMAZING and has never missed a single appointment) this is really happening, there is a real baby. I knew instantly, everything is going to be just fine and feeling sick is going to be so absolutely worth it.

The point of this long post is for the other women who feel the same way I do to know that they are not alone! Do not feel judged because you don’t love being pregnant. Do not feel ungrateful because you’re not basking in every moment of being able to conceive. It is perfectly fine to not like being pregnant. You are going to love your precious blessing just the same, hang in there ♥️