I did it !

I told you. It took me 4 years to tell you but I did. My life could not be filled with more happiness.

I asked you to take a walk with me on the beach. After the elephant in the room was clearly pointed out by everyone else. We both knew it was coming, and we spent all weekend avoiding it.

We finally get down to the beach, we take two steps in the sand, and you ask me to talk first. I look at you and the only words that make it out of my mouth are “I love you”. You looked at me for a second, grabbed my face, and pulled me in for a kiss. You put your forehead against mine and said, “I can’t believe after 4 years you finally admitted it, I love you too.”

Cuddling in your arms all night was all the assurance I needed to know I made the right decision. Here’s to our past, present, and our future because we finally got it right. 😍