Dear Corey

You’re so incredible. We have laughs, we spend time doing all sorts of things together. We will watch movies or shows together and often have to pause them because we get so entangled up in each other. You make me laugh, you make me smile. I’m so in love with you. So very in love with you. You can’t possibly understand how much I feel for you. I miss you when you’re gone and always count away the days till we meet again. I hope that in the end it is you and I even when we are old and wrinkly. I hope that even then we look so fondly at each other and hold on so tightly. I see a future with you. I want it to be you and I so badly. But for now I have to wait. Wait to see the outcome. Wait but not wait. Live. Enjoy the journey getting there. Let it be you and I in the end.