Rant! The Husband


Sooo I was asking around Snapchat everyones favorite snacks because I'm a hungry preggers and I'm so sick of not knowing what to eat when I get hungry! My cousin Eowyn told me her favorite was vanilla pudding with fruit in it and mann was I starting to crave that all day long but I didn't have any fruit or pudding!!! That night my parents invited us for dinner and my mom had chocolate pudding and hey that was close enough! I was dying to eat the entire thing! Anyways I got home and had my husband make the pudding BUT he had the bright idea of turning MY pudding into HIS own chocolate pie! He calimed he was going to the store to buy gramcracker pie crust and whip cream for it and I was furious that he had the balls to steal MY PUDDING that I so desperately wanted ALL DAY LONG! He didn't even offer to get me anything in return until I broke down and said I actually was wanting vanilla pudding with fruit in it... Then he offered to go buy it and eventually invited me to go to the store with him in the end because at first he didn't dare ask if I wanted to even go! (Plus he needed my credit card!) He's such a guy...😂😂😂 I completely have those pregnancy hormones goin on! 3 more weeks for baby J's due date!!! 💙💙💙 😥👊😂❤