Convertible Car Seat Questions


We are opting for a convertible car seat. Recently the nurse said ‘bring your car seat in with you.’ This is my third baby, but a new hospital & they’ve always just let me bring baby out in my lap.

Anyway to get around having to take a convertible seat out, because of the time it takes to put in? I just want it to stay secure.

I’m having a c-section & I won’t be able to do it, my husband could, but would need direction & I know I’ll just get pissy with him over it (simply bc I’m bitchy by the time I get to leave the hospital bc of pain). ALSO, we will be three car seats across the back of our CRV, baby in the middle. You can just imagine how difficult it’s going to be to get car seats in.

I want what’s best for my baby, but also I lose sleep over this silly little issue. Y’all help me!