Wide awake


So I’ve come to the realization that I will never become a mother of two and now I realize why my husband and I have been together for seven years now and for the last three years his true self is coming out more and more every day I am told how unworthy I am how much of an issue and a problem I am and ladies all I ever do and ever have done is say what IC for example if someone we know is being a liar I say it if someone is just using us I say it not to be a bitch but because I want to let it be known that I have his back and regardless of who comes in our life that is untrue I’m gonna always have his back and no matter what we go through I’m going to always be there and have his back should I sit down and not say anything and say face and let people do what they wanted you to US I don’t think I was wrong at all and I feel like if you really love somebody it shouldn’t matter who they are addressing anything to you you should listen to them and taking their opinion and value their voice then again I could be wrong but this is how I feel and I feel like we are never going to expand our family as long as we Continue to be against each other