Is this sexual assault?


I don't know what to do.. I love my boyfriend of 4 years so much, but I feel like he doesn't respect me sometimes.

The other night, (also my birthday) my boyfriend started kissing me and all that jazz... but he knows I'm very careful about what time of the month I have sex. Well, I was ovulating at the time so I told him, and said we absolutely would not be having sex that night, because we didn't have any condoms. He agreed but after a few minutes he put it in anyway. (He's done this before but we've had long talks about how he can't randomly do that) So I very sternly told him to stop... he did, but immediately started again.... I kept telling him to stop and pushing his hips but he still did it a few times... even though I was visibly upset. Afterwards I told him that wasn't okay, and he just shrugs it off that it didn't matter and says he didn't cum inside me... now I have to spend the entire month worried about it, and I have severe anxiety so it completely consumes me.

Would you consider this sexual assault? I'm just so hurt and don't know what to do, because if I even try to talk to him about it he gets upset and makes me feel like the bad guy. I don't know what to do.