boyfriend isn't supportive...

Heidi • ttc #1, miscarriage 07/17, 11/17, and 01/18. beginning my clomid journey. 2 iui, waiting impatiently for a positive!!

and he doesn't realize it. we've been together for 5 years. 3 miscarriages in last year. for the first one, he didn't understand the pain, and still went to work even though I begged him to stay home. now we've been to a specialist. I'm just noticing he's living for himself. he works 50 hours a week for a commission job that isn't paying his bills. I work overtime, even with going through meds that make me feel sick. he coaches baseball 3 to 4 nights a week. I ask for help putting away laundry or killing a mole in our yard. and I get no help. the mole has been here over a year and we've not done anything about it yet. if I'm possibly pregnant, I shouldn't work with chemicals. and the yard is getting trashed, I'm so physically tired. not sure how to get his attention, I ask for help daily. how to get through to him???