Help! I need advice

Miranda • 22 years old, first time mom of a baby girl born 12/8/18

Hello mamas, so I am 12 weeks pregnant with my first little one. I am 21 yo and have been with my boyfriend for almost 6 years. We both live in my parents house and have been saving for our own place, both working full time jobs and I personally have finished two years of college but have taken a year off to work full time and recently was promoted to my manager position. We have told his side of the family, they are ecstatic. But I have yet to tell my parents, I am mostly just scared to disappoint them and afraid on how my mother will act. She is very well educated and just wants what is best for me, which she believes is not a child quite yet. I would love some advice on how I might should go about breaking the news to her and my father( my dad is very supportive of everything I do)

Thank y’all