Sad 😞

Hey guys well today af arrived mind you I get really bad cramps 😔 till I have to lay around the 1st day anywaysssss my bf is a great man with a ATTITUDE at times he lost his credit card so I offer to help find it because he’s getting ready for work went outside to check the car hurting like hell its also raining checking under the seat to see if he dropped it or anything but he didnt came back inside to help him look something told me check beside bed maybe he dropped it well it was there I said baby I found it he yells out how the fuck it get over there I wasn’t over there already late for dam work wonder how you knew it would be over there like u misplaced it or something I know this don’t seem like nothing but he’s like this every other day just mad all the time or blaming something on me don’t wanna sound like a big baby or anything but I don’t like to get yelled at or blamed for every little thing then he don’t think he wrong at all is what really hurt my feeling he says I’m just to soft what do I guys think 🤔😪