Do I love him still ? Does he even love me?

So ladies.. my boyfriend and have an apartment together and we’ll we plan on getting married. We were planning on having a child.. we envision our lives together... lately it’s been going quite south. Countless arguing.. I don’t feel appreciated by him I mean yes he pays the bills we have a roof over our head he says it when I say he doesn’t care but he rarely is romantic .. doesn’t take me out at all.. so I get frustrated. When he craves my attention I give it to him and when I do he always wants to have sex. He’s yelled at me more then once he lashed out at me while I was calm... I was an abusive relationship for two years so I told my self not to yell at him and lash out so I was quiet when he did it .. I told him how I felt about him doing that yet he did it again.. Btw i just got out the military so I’m at home and I threatened to leave back to my home state because I don’t know what to do anymore...