Leep Procedure

So I found out a few years ago that I have HPV. I've had a total of 2 Colposcopies done and this past one came back abnormal. The doctor said something inside my cervix doesnt look good and scheduled me for a Leep Procedure. I am terrified. My husband and I have been trying for 1 year for a baby and nothing has happened. He mentioned something that I could possibly have PCOS as well and scheduled me for ultrasoundto see if I have cyst on my ovaries. I feel like if it's not one thing it's another and its stressing me out. 😪 He said that it shouldn't cause any problems having kids it just depends on how much of the cervix they have to scrape off. It makes me feel disgusted with myself. I am constantly worrying myself over all of this. My surgery is scheduled for July 2nd. Have any of you had this done? Has is caused problems having/getting pregnant? I mean I know it's going to be painful to have it done but do you think I'll be able to work the next day?