I am giving up

My fiancé and I are happy. We have two beautiful kids. We understand each other.

But then when it comes to having sex, we just aren’t on the same page. He constantly rejects me, I try so hard to entice him. I tried wearing nice underwear, I offered to do new things, I try leave it up to him to decide when it happens. I tell him he has control. But last time he went soft half way through and I cried afterwards. I don’t even want to be naked in front of him anymore.

and I just feel like I’m so alone and unwanted. He does nothing to help this even though I’ve explained how I just need him to love me a little louder right now.

Tonight I asked if I could kiss him and he pecked me once on the lips then turned away.

So I’ve decided I’m giving up. I’m not kissing or cuddling him, I’m not complimenting him anymore when he doesn’t do the same thing for me. I’m not chasing him for sex anymore. I’m just giving up. He doesn’t want me like that anyway.

I feel so alone because I can’t speak to anyone about this. I’m embarrassed. I just want him to chase me for once and stop taking me for granted.

And I feel so trapped these days that I’ve considered self harming like I used to just to see if he cares.

I don’t think he does. Everyone would be better off without me.