How to build the relationship back with your mom

Hi I’m a 18 year old girl who rarely goes out because I have a crazy mother. Whenever I go out she blows up my phone cussing at me and telling me every possible thing she can to make me feel bad. Of course I ask to go out and tell her where I’m going to be and yes I have a curfew. Lately she’s been really really bad to where when I’m out I legit have a mental breakdown from what she tells me and end up coming home because I can’t take her blowing up my phone every 2 seconds ruining my night. I’m so tired of it honestly because I am a good kid, I just graduated and want to somewhat live life and enjoy summer. Whenever she tries to talk to me she always ends up yelling at me and turning the problem on me so I am used to it now. If anyone has went through this same problem or similar please tell me how you got through it.