Why must my MIL be so crazy & selfish

So my husband and I are busy ppl we work a lot and had just moved in April. We had made plans to take my MIL out to dinner for mother's day and her Birthday. We made these plans 3 weeks ahead and she agreed to the time and day. My husband chose her gift and the restaurant. This is the first time he put effert (I'm usually the one that plans/picks everything). The day before dinner I asked about her coming over before heading to dinner to show her the nursery progress. Well she canceled with no actual excuse. The next day we see photos of her out with a friend. We were upset. A week goes by and she calls my husband asking what his problem is. Well he went off on her. How she always bails on us yet always complains that she doesn't see him. She is just coming up with lame excuses. He has never had a good relationship with her because she was never around. Since we are pregnant he wanted to try and have some sort of relationship for the sake of our little girl and thought it would make it easier. Well he told her that her priorities have never included her kids and she could go ask his brother about all the nonexistent great memories with her. He pretty much let out 30yrs on her. I am not a fan of hers but I stay out. Well this time I told my husband I can't deal with her anymore. I can't have my daughter around someone so selfish and miserable. I can barely handle her rollercoaster emotions and I refuse to have my daughter be put through that. She said that I control hims and he isn't the same. She didn't even know her own kid before I came along. Yes he has changed. He has a career, goals, and happiness. He was in a depression that he covered up with alcohol when I met him. He had never gone anywhere out of the state when we met. In the six years we have been together we have been to 5 different countries and 4 states and have 2 planned trips this year and 2 additonal next year with our little girl. He had a dead end job he hated. He now has a career that he LOVES. He drinks socially and not to drown his pain. He never wanted to have kids and now can't wait to be the best daddy to our little girl. We are so lucky to be able to give our little girl any she needs and the best. He never though he would achieve so much financially and he is only getting started. He never had someone to push him and that believed in him but now that he does I'm the horrible controlling wife? Why because we have the same goal and are reaching it including our individual goals. We were together over 3yrs before getting married. We made sure we were financially set before getting pregnant.

P.S. his parents are seperated and his dad has been nothing but amazing with us.

sorry for my grammar. Just needed to let that out