2 months late

Carre✌🏾 • Mommy👶🏽🎀


SEX: Female

DOB: 4/12/18

TIME: 10:33 am

WEIGHT: 6lbs 12 oz

LENGTH: 20 1/2 in

2 months later I’m finally telling my birth story.

3 am on 4/12/18 (my due date) I woke up to use the bathroom and thought to myself “its my due date and still no signs of labor” throughout my pregnancy I was told its common for FTMs to be overdue so I was expecting jus that.

After using the bathroom I went back to bed but couldn’t fall back asleep. At 4 am I started having light cramp like contractions. This didn’t alarm me as I’ve had them plenty of times before.

By 5 am I was still having these cramp like contractions and at that point was when I decided to time them.

That day I also had my 40 week prenatal appointment at 8 am. For some reason I couldnt grasp what was happening. I jus kept thinking the contractions would stop and I’d go to my appointment and that 4/12/18 wouldn’t be the day.

As the hours went on, the contractions got closer together/stronger but I didn’t go to the hospital as I told myself I’d jus wait it out and go to my appointment anyways.

By 8 am they were definitely real contractions. I was unable to speak through them and they were quite painful. I powered trough and went to my appointment. My midwife checked and I was 6 cm dilated. She sent me to the hospital.

I arrived at the hospital at 9 am and wheeled to my room. By 9:30 I was checked again and now 9 cm. I was pacing around and I felt my mucus plug come out. The contractions were still constant and I already felt a pushing sensation. There were a few times I felt that.

I wanted a natural birth so all I had was a birthing ball. I was bouncing on that for awhile until I couldn’t handle the contractions anymore. At this point I transferred to the bed.

After a few more contractions I felt this burning urge to push. It was time I could feel it. I yelled “I need to push” & the nurses and midwife all rushed over. I started pushing and it was the most painful thing in the world. I thought crowing was bad well then there was “the ring of fire” I finally understood why it was called that. A few more pushes after that and she was born.

The first thing I heard the midwife say was “look at all that hair”

Another voice said “and so prompt. What a perfect baby”

She was placed on my chest and I had no idea what to do. She was so perfect indeed.

Here are some photos: Alexandria Pascaline