My first was unplanned and honestly it was very traumatic but probably only because of the circumstances. I had it in my head that a C-section was off the table, I was going to deliver vaginally because everything seemed to go right. Well... after being in the hospital for over 30 hours, active labor for 12 hours, pushing for 5 hours... my daughter had not even started progressing through the birth canal so they said we had to do a c-section (big head and she was sunny side up). 😩 I was tired and hungry and in pain (epidural wore off by this time) and going through the c-section freaked me out!! I started panicking and had them give me nitrous oxide just to get through it. However with this one... I have a C-section scheduled. I think it will be less traumatic to have a scheduled one and I don’t want to risk having the same thing happen. From what I’ve heard from many people, the recovery from a scheduled C-section is SOOOO much easier than an unplanned one. I also kinda like the idea of choosing the baby’s birth date and having everything planned out.