FORTNITE rant 😡😡😡🙄

Okay so i am really POd atm and I’m trying not to have an explosive episode towards my spouse, I am extremely laid back and relaxed about everything in life , if it makes you happy and doesn’t hurt me or mine go for it dude, so I am like that when it comes to my husbands fortnite (addiction) we are new parents...our baby is 9 weeks and we just got back from a mini vacation and baby girl was great! Everything was great...she ONLY cries for just about 20 min ago I’m sound asleep and woken up to the screams of my baby girl, I am in a room with the door shut and 2 large fans on! Yes she was screaming bloody murder! I thought something was horribly wrong with her...walk out of the room...husband sitting right there fucking talking to his squad...muting and unmuting his mic so they won’t be bothered by tiny baby WTF? I regularly leave her here with him during the day while I this how my baby is being treated?? She was SO upset ! She guzzled down her bottle and was still so distraught it took me another 10 min to finally calm

Her down. We’ve been together almost 2 years and he’s never seen mama bear side and he’s about to get a piece of it. I won’t tolerate it. I bought the damn ps4, AND I saved the receipt. If he keeps this up he won’t have a damn game console anymore. Okay rant over. Time to quietly scream at him