Miscarriage ?!


hey, I’m a 17 year old who is living on their own; and just wanted to get some non judgemental advice. I read most of the comments and you guys are defiantly chill and on a team so I’m willing to share my scare..

I’ve been constantly worried about whether or not I’m pregnant. I have been on depo shot for almost 2 years and stopped taking it due to its long term affects. it’s been about 6 ish months. my period has obviously turned into dark brown spotting and so recently, I had my brown spotting period early this month; then I stopped spotting for 3 days and started HEAVILY bleeding like it was shocking, I haven’t had this in forever and it was all red blood then I passed through a little clot and it was the only clot; I don’t know if it was too inappropriate to post so I didnt. It was werid cuz I only seemed to bleed only peeing after that, barely on my underwear and I would drip blood. I would get little teeny tiny clots but not dark as I push to pee too. this has been going on since June 11th. but the past 3 days it has died down and turned to original spotting. And yes I’m an immature teen and don’t wanna be shamed on; I have unprotected sex with my boyfriend like every day and always finishes inside me. his been doing this for like a year so idk I’d just like some advice thank you!