Stop Bullying Girls on the Topic of Pregnancy Scares!


Ok I’ve been around this app for a few months and I’ve noticed a pattern of girls being scared they’re pregnant because they see symptoms of pregnancy when they only dry humped or they did something sexual with a guy but not actual sex. And this isn’t them being stupid and “uneducated” it’s all because of websites like web MD which most people freak out over whether they have cancer because of. It’s 100% the same thing, and it’s mostly because of the fact that you can get pregnant by sperm getting into ur vagina by a simple insert of a finger according to the internet. Because of that fact and little symptoms like spotting, and menstrual cramps and the fact that pregnancy symptoms and period symptoms are very similar, it can freak out girls who’s don’t have access to a gynecologist or birth control.

Lastly, just so it’s clear just because a girl isn’t ready to have a baby doesn’t mean they aren’t ready for sex. A popular thing I hear is “maybe you aren’t ready for sex if u can’t deal with these kind of problems” but those two things are completely different.

Thank you for listening to my TED talk

Update: just so everyone knows and that it’s clear I am not encouraging young girls to have sex or saying it’s ok, all I’m saying is that when giving advice some women here tend to come off as judge-mental and a bit rude and if you want to tell them they aren’t ready for sex that’s fine but at least don’t call them ignorant or make fun, not everyone’s family’s or schools talk about sex Ed as much as I know we’d all like so just keep in mind that’s what this app is for (female helping other females) so just remember at the end of the day the respect is most important.