update on this pregnancy

mommy of two💙

Okay hey everyone this is my second pregnancy my first one I remember everything about I was sick and throwing up for 5 months before I could eat whatever without throwing up this pregnancy I'm 9 weeks 3 days go to my first obgyn appointment today and I'm really nervous and I think eat is doo nervous about this is that when I was pregnant with my daughter I was young 17years old I was soo scared to tell family members only me and my daughter's father knew but then it was just me because my daughter father punked out and left me to do everything I did my mama I was pregnant in till I was 8 but she had already knew but I worked and did what I need for my baby was going to the doctor and stuff doo my daughter active daddy(step daddy) is my baby father and I know he will be there cause he treats my daughter like his own but I still have the thought of being left to do this on my own all over again even tho the first one,was by choice anyone else feel like this?