32 weeks and measuring 2 weeks early

Katie • Girl mom August 2018 👧🏼 Trying for #2 in 2021

So I had a follow up ultrasound yesterday for something they saw on our 20 week ultrasound (everything is ok!) and I was told I am measuring 2 weeks early and that the baby is 5lbs!

If you go by my lmp then I would be due 2 weeks ahead of time but of course I was irregular with long cycles. When I went for the first ultrasound they gave me my current due date of 8/13 based on measurements.

Twice I was asked if I passed my glucose test, I’m guessing because of the bigger size of the baby. And I did pass. I was told that we probably wouldn’t have a 10lb baby but definitely around 8lbs. They may want me back at 37 weeks to get another measurement.

I guess I need to get my hospital bag together sooner than I thought! Anyone else with me a bigger baby? Sometimes these measurements can be off, but there have been some larger babies in my family!