Baby boy names to suit us


# abit of background both caucasian Australians (not bogans I like to think) liking unusual names easy to spell and say? HELP ME 🤰P.S. we are not religious, we are atheists

My husband jokes all the time about our baby but lately I am getting really pi$$ed off he calls it “how’s my little devil going” or he likes the name negan from walking dead, and now he has been calling it Lucifer 😞 I tell him I hate it and to stop I am 23weeks pregnant and it’s our third and last child as we are just financially not able to have more babies. I really want him to name our baby boy, as his son our child (my step son) he never got to name and me and my ex both named our son Taitum together so he feels like he should get to name it but the way acts towards the baby not even born scares me that he will do something silly, I have given so many options to him and he has hated them all, don’t know how u guys can help but I hope someone can 💙