A Child of Narcissists

My husband and I had a long discussion last night. It started with him bringing to my attention that I didn't tell his dad Happy Father's Day. I told him that when we called his dad on our way home from lunch that I told him Happy Father's Day. I thought that was okay, but apparently not. Last night, on my own accord, I did call his dad and apologize. His dad has been amazing to me in so many ways. I guess I'm just so use to crappy treatment from my parents that I'm not use to a good relationship with someone who genuinely cares about me.

During the discussion, it all came back around to my family and how they treat me. Needless to say, they dont treat my husband and I well. For a long time, they had little to nothing to do with us.

My mom is out of the picture. That's a whole other narcissistic story in itself.

We moved across the country for my husband's job, but even when we lived 2 1/2 hours away from them, they barely came and saw us or talked to us. Often times they would come to town for a whole weekend and not even tell us. They would go to my uncle's house, 15 minutes away, to party They didn't help at all with our wedding. They were still mad about the $100 we didn't give them after they partied too hard on their trip and missed their flight. They barely gave us the down payment on our wedding venue. During that fight, they brought up my college, and how much they paid for it. They made me feel like crap for even going to college. They also gave us crap for buying a truck, and changing our wedding venue. We actually got in a huge fight, and I offered to pay my dad back all the money they gave us for my schooling. My dad flat refused, and told me he would tell my step mom to lay off that topic. it helped, but not a lot. Recently, they didn't do anything for me for my birthday. No card, no present, just a phone call. My husband was pissed, but I guess I'm just numb to the treatment due to so many years of this from my mom. I texted my dad to let him know how I felt, but his excuse was that they got busy with their Jeep mudding trip and forgot to mail my card. Y'all, there's a lot more. I could go on and on.

My parent's favorite child is my step sister M. She can do no wrong in their eyes. It was like pulling teeth to get her and her husband to come to our wedding. They didn't even stay the whole time. We would go down to their house (4 hours away) and feel like we weren't welcome there. We would spend money on nice presents for her kids and never get a thank you. We finally got tired of it and just stopped. We stopped a lot of things. M blocked my husband and I on Facebook a few weeks ago. I honestly have no idea what we did wrong except for stopping the presents. I brought this to my dad's attention and he said he had no idea why this happened, and that I need to work it out with M. Magically she unblocked us yesterday.

My husband is being supportive of me and is tired of seeing me get hurt. He suggested that we go and see a counselor to talk about what's going on. I think I should, but I'm scared. the last time I talked to a counselor was when a whole bunch of drama went down with my mom. What do you guys think? Please be kind. This is a very sensitive subject for me.