Scared to have sex🙄

I’m scared to have sex. I am 15 years old and I want to have sex but I’m scared to. Once I have sex, I’m sure it will be fine and I’ll be worrying about nothing. I know I am young but I had this amazing boyfriend and we dated for 2 months. It was going great but then something clicked. I started thinking of sex too much and it drove me to break up with him. It was an awful decision and we still talk but I’m scared if I dated him again that I would just have the same feeling and go through it all again. (Let me put this feeling in perspective for you. I almost committed suicide because I hated the pressure of it all. Don’t worry I am fine now!) it comes down to 4 factors 1) I think it would be super awkward like I mean awfully awkward. Foreplay I’m also scared of but also it just seems really awkward. Embarrassing and awkward. 2) my body. I absolutely hate my body. I am kind of average size. Not fat but not like slim, like I want to be. I have size E breasts and they are very disproportional to the rest of my body and I have hated them all my life. Shopping is a nightmare and because I don’t have a slim waist I feel awful in tops and things I want to be comfortable in but nope. I hate it so much!!! So being naked would just be so uncomfortable and awkward for me!! 3) the pressure of it just generally. I know people say, ‘do it when you’re ready’ but what if I’m not ready for years to come and he gets sick of me. I’ll feel like an idiot and just hate myself. 4) I’ve already mentioned this but foreplay. It’s awkward like I said and what if I’m bad at it or what if he’s bad at it and it freaks me out generally. Like when I think of it I’m like ‘I never want to do that’ but on here everyone seems to be like yeah he fingered me but that scares me even more than sex. I’m so sorry this is so long but I needed some women advise. I know I’m just 15 but it could help me when I’m older. Thank you!! xxxxxx to sum up my feeling, I think it would just be horribly awkward and weird because the guy is so nice and friendly and so sweet but I don’t really want to go through the pressure and the fear and the depression again. I am going off to collage (UK) and I don’t want to get a boyfriend that will just say I’m being frigid or weird about it. Thank you for all help.