Azoospermia with Low T, High LH and FSH


DH was diagnosed with Azoospermia in January this year and was put on Clomid for 3 months, his Urologist was on maternity leave, so we didn’t know who to go to since there are only few male infertility specialist/Urologist around where we live. So we didn’t get any labs or test done after 3 months of Clomid but BD’ed pretty much each cycle, still no luck. Decided to change the Urologist and found one who’s also a male infertility specialist, did the tests this month and found out DH’s results are messed up. Very low Testosterone, High LH and also high FSH. Option given to us is, either adopt or use donor sperm or get Hcg and Testosterone meds/injection and if improved plan to do mTESE. So we decided to have DH start the Hcg and Testosterone. We were told by our doctor that some compounding pharmacy (Empower Pharmacy in Texas) distributes the meds and are costly. Waiting for them to contact us soon!

Anyone in the similar situation? Please share. Thanks in advance