Should I risk my in laws making a scene?

I am Catholic and my fiance is currently taking catechism classes. He is not yet 100% certain that he wants to join the Catholic Church, but he does want to support me in raising our future kids Catholic and has agreed to getting married in the Catholic Church. For those of you that don't know, you need to be Catholic to get married in the church with a mass. But if both of you are baptised Christians you can be married in the church, but only with a wedding service. My priest has agreed to marry us during mass because our family will follow the church and my fiance is in catechism classes.

This is a bit of a tricky situation because his family is Pentacostal and has a strong dislike for Catholics. They've really pushed back on our wedding being Catholic, but my fiance has been very firm on this point with them. Well, during the mass there is communion and in Catholicism only Catholics can take the body and blood of Christ because unlike other Christian denominations we believe that IS the body and blood of Christ and not just a representation. My priest knows that my fiance's family is not Catholic so he will not allow them to take communion.

My future MIL has informed us that she will be taking communion and doesn't care about 'Catholics stupid rules' and that if the priest tries to stop her she'll make a scene. Now, part of me doesn't beleive her as she doesn't like drawing any kind of attention to herself in public at all. But, I'm also afriad she will. My fiance told her he'd personally remove her from the church if she tried that and that itd cause a huge rift in their already unsteady relationship. But she says she doesn't care. My fiance's foster parents (his mother lost custody of him as a child and he's closer to his foster parents then he is his birth parents) have offered to sit next to her and stop her if she tries to stand and recieve communion.

But, I still fear there will be a scene. I don't want to uninvite her though my fiance has told me if she continues on like this he will uninvite her himself. He knows how important having the mass is to me and wants to support me in my faith. He doesn't want me to give up the mass and just have a service. And neither do I, but I don't need more family drama or a big scene everyone will talk about either. I just want our families to come together and be happy.

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