Forever irregular...


I'm currently 22, almost 23... I've been having periods since around 13 or 14. ever since I first started having periods, I've been very irregular. there are times I will skip anywhere from a month to 5 months before having a period. I have never been to a gyno, nor have I ever been on any birth control. I've never been pregnant or miscarried that I am aware of. I know, I should go see a gyno about this, but I just want to ask here first. what do you think I could have? there is no way I've been stressed the past 10 years to the point I miss months... It's getting to the point now that it's just annoying. I hate missing a month or two because, even tho I hardly have sex, it's always protected. (low sex drive, have had it for a few years...) But I still always have that thought in the back of my mind that I need to take a test.. ugh...