should i leave? hes no longer attracted to me

he never said so, but his actions does! how he never wants to spend time w me, go on dates, have sex, take pics w me, how hes so distant, and never talks to me until were about to go bed, or unless he wants to eat or drink something. and always annoyed, raising voice, whenever i talk to him. hell, he prefers porn and other womens pic over me! so he sure hasnt lost his sex drive. he even checks out other women in front of me! like how one time we were at target, i was talking to him, and all he did was smile and look at a woman walking pass by. like wtf!? he always check out other women even on the web. one time i was watching tv, he was on youtube, and he accidently clicked on the "watch on tv" button. he was watching a womans vlog. it just brings me back to the time when he said if theres ever a show about me, hed watch it cause im so hot and hes so into me. idk what i am to him anymore, i dont ever get his attention, i feel like were just roommates, or im just a maid working for him. i even feel like im a single mom living in welfare. im a sahm and i feel so damn worthless! yes, ive let myself go. i no longer wear makeup, dress niclely, or fix my hair. if i do, hed act like im trying to impress someone. or im cheating on him. and that he hates me w makeup on. why am i fixing my hair so nice? he tells me to stop wearing shorts and tanks and leggings cause ita so slutty, its disgusting and he hates it even when im only wearing it inside. yet, he checks out women wearing these thinga.