How important is sex? I feel selfish

I’ve been with my partner for 7 yrs, the first couple years our sex life was very much alive and consistent. I have a higher sex drive, his not as high, he’s comfortable doing it maybe once a week or maybe once every 2 weeks if I don’t initiate. He considers himself very vanilla, doesn’t ask or share pictures, videos, lingerie doesn’t really do anything for him, role play, dressing up, sexting, hmm just the same comfy positions, I built the courage to ask for anal and he seemed uncomfortable so I left it at that and changed the subject. I brought it up another time and he explains it’s not something he’s into but he’ll try it for me. So I kinda feel like I’m kinda ‘making’ him try it (I get that you can’t force anyone to do anything they don’t want to but it’s a feeling I get, almost like pity or something, correct me if I’m going about it wrong) and I most likely not bringing it up anymore for the fact that I feel like it’s not right to keep bringing it up. How important is sex in your relationship? Communicating and having a safe zone is obviously #1 above it all but I’m wondering if anyone else had the same thing happened to them and how they went about it. I’d like to learn as much I can and continue to enjoy my sex life with my partner without feeling selfish for wanting to try something a bit different.