I know I was stupid but I need some advice...

I have been dating this guy for almost 4 years and we are so in love but I can’t be with him because of many reasons

1. we are different religiously and I’ve become really strong in my faith recently so I can’t be with someone of such a different religion

2. we had a pregnancy scare and in the moment I know I don’t want him to be the father of my children because we would raise our kids different and I would not agree with his parenting style at all

3. my parents hate him and actually forbade me a few years ago from having contact with him but I didn’t listen and I wish I would’ve

4. I have an issue with him following accounts with naked women on Instagram but idc if he watches porn. We have had this issue at least 5 times in the past year and a half where he goes and follows all those accounts and likes all these pictures of naked women. I just don’t wanted that flaunted around publicly or in my face.

5. I’m sure if I had longer to think I could come up with more reasons.

I really do love him still but I need to do what’s best for me now. So the stupid thing I did was send him A LOT of nudes which I will never make that mistake again. He also has a bad temper and emotional issues so I’m scared he’s gonna get mad and do something stupid or I’m scared he’s gonna hurt of kill himself or mess up his future. I still want the best for him and I also don’t want the fact that we’ve had sex or my nudes to screw up my future with my conservative school or with my family. My school will kick me out and my family will disown me and the shock from all this could kill my dad because of his heart condition. What do I do?