Erectile dysfunction

This is going to be a bit long but please try and read it all I just need your thoughts..

Ladies please help 😭 I literally can’t take this anymore, my fiancé is just amazing he’s really loving and caring honestly the man of my dreams but he’s got this issue with erectile dysfunction and it wouldn’t bother me normally because sex is not the most important thing to me the issue is that it occasionally happens when he’s on top but it happens nearly every single time I’m on top giving him oral or I’m naked (I’m not naked a lot around him because of being self conscious this has only been the case since I’ve been with him I use to be very confident) and it just makes me feel like he must think I’m disgusting and unattractive and it breaks my heart, I know this is psychotic but I even tracked every time we had sex and if it happened and if it did if it was me f*cking him or me naked or if it was him, and guess what in 3 months it happened every single time I was naked but only twice otherwise and I’ve asked him if it’s because of how I look I’ve asked him if it’s because he doesn’t like what I do in bed and he said it’s not that and I’ve not had any other guy complain so I don’t know what it is the only explanation is he doesn’t find me attractive or he doesn’t like what I do in bed which I thought he would tell me if that was the case because we’re very honest with each other and have been together for years but I honestly can’t take it anymore I feel so low and so embarrassed about myself 😢 has anyone been through anything similar?