Too much folic acid

Sophie • Emrys David Collings 💙 Feb 19 Gerallt Iestyn Collings 👼 Mar 22 TTC again ♥️💍 Damien Type 1 Diabetic 💉

Is it dangerous to take too much folic acid?

I am prescribed 5mg folic acid because of my weight and I’m also taking pregnacare original vitamins which contains the usual 400mcg of folic acid but I’m then getting everything else that I should get.

I did some research before I started taking the pregnacare and it said that the body will use the amount of folic acid it needs and will get rid of the rest.

Has anyone else taken the pregnancy vitamins while on a higher dose of folic acid?

Please be kind, this is my 1st pregnancy and I’m trying to do everything right for the baby and I’m a little sensitive at the moment!

Thank you