Mixed emotions


So since i got pregnant (11 weeks now) I’m starting to really dislike my husband. The things I dislike have always been there but i used to let things go, and now i just cant anymore. Most of our issues come from his family. His brother and his wife treat me horribly and he doesn’t see it at all. His parents treat them like they are better because they have a baby and we don’t yet (they know I’m pregnant but doesn’t make a difference).

My husband doesn’t do anything to make me feel better, even though he hears and sees all this. He chooses to be neutral when it comes to family, but I really feel like it’s unfair; I don’t try to argue with any of his family to avoid problems, so I would’ve loved for him to have my back.

I know he loves me, but I’m really resenting him because he insists on me going to see his family every week and they do too, but when I’m there it’s either I’m invisible or I’m looked down on.

I’m at a point where I’m thinking of taking a break from the marriage because i really don’t want to be in the same room with him.
