Spotting and panicked!


Panicking— I am 8 weeks 5 days today. I woke up this morning and when I wiped the tp was a big streak of pink blood. I went to the ER, which pulled out the most ancient ultrasound machine ever. The Dr had zero bedside manner and when he finally got the machine on he was able to see my baby and said, “Well, your baby is alive.” And pointed to the flicker of its heartbeat. He didn’t know how to tell me the heart rate or the measurements of my baby. He said he pulled out the machine to show me if my baby was alive or not and that it was alive and then sent us packing.

Since we got home, the pink is still there when I wipe but it’s getting less and less. I have no cramping and my breasts still ache as usual.

Has anyone else had this and been okay? This is our first baby and we tried for a year. We have seen a strong heartbeat over ultrasound 2x at 6 and 7 weeks. 💗 I am needing someone to give it to me straight. Thank you.