I need to vent

We had our beautiful baby girl 8 days ago via c-section. Today friends decided to come over and my husband decided to make some bbq and buy some drinks. I went to help him upon request. They were to come by 4pm but didn't show up till 7pm. This is 10:25pm and am exhausted and need to go to bed. kids are running round making a hell of a noise. luckily my LO can sleep through anything so she is not bothered. I've told my husband to send them home but he cant, he is too polite and nice. Thing is, I need to sleep. Why cant people be considerate? I feel bad for my husband but I still feel like this is his fault. After breastfeeding my LO, I came out to tell everyone I needed to go to bed and said my goodbyes but they have still not gotten the message. How else can I tell them to go home? Yes, they brought me alot of stuff: diapers, gift cards etc....but, really?