I just snapped....

It’s hard to pick where to start off. I’ve been married into this family for 5 years. I haven’t had a problem until a little under a year ago.

I didn’t have any friends when I moved into my husbands home town. I’m an hr away from my family.

One of my brother in laws ended up dating a girl. So I thought I would be nice to her and hang out cuz if it works out with them down the road we are family. Keep in mind that she was 14 at the time and I was 22. So when she would be at family get together a I’d talk to her. Then a year or 2 down the road we would hang out.

I didn’t think much about how when I would asked her if she wanted to hang out she would say she couldn’t and I wouldn’t get a text back. I let it go cuz she was a high schooler. One day, I don’t remember how old she was but she told me she ignores people’s texts just because <—- remember this.

Now 2 years ago another brother in law got a girlfriend. They got married a year ago. The first girl is now 19, and the other is 21 and I’m 26. We all would almost hangout everyday we could.

Then out of no were about 7 to 8 months ago, they would hang out with out me all the time. The first girl would barely if at all would text me back.... I knew I was being ignored. The other girl would text me when she relished we haven’t hung out in a while. I kept thinking what did I do?

I just got used to having friends!

So back to the first girl, she was fun to hang out with, then she moved in with her boyfriend and she seemed more craby at people. Next she got pregnant and everyone was happy for her. Then she had a miscarriage she didn’t even have her first doc appointment keep in mind. Now before I go any further know this, I’ve had 2 before. So after her miscarriage she became hateful! I tried to help and I thought it worked but one time at church our pastor didn’t think what he said would be bad. I mean at that point it’s almost been a year since the miscarriage. The pastor was talking to some people and said “one day when you become parents..” then she snapped bitterly “ I am a mom”

Then she has told our other friend the one that got married and I that no one has been through what she has. She know I’ve had a miscarriage and the 2nd girl had twins one died at birth her kids were born premature. Yet the first girl didn’t think she had said anything wrong....

So the first girl ended up marrying.... and since then it’s been a nightmare!

All she does is points out my kids fingernails, that they need a hair cut, that their mouths are dirty. Also says my daughters diaper needs changed it’s over flowing! When it’s barely been peed in! She does this to the 2nd girl too, she has a boy the same age as my son and she has a baby.

The 1st girl told us that she got on some fertility pills, and we was think okay. Then we found out she is keeping that from her husband. He doesn’t want kids right now I guess... so I told my husband cuz I didn’t know what to do. So my husband told his brother. If she lied to her husband about that I can only think what she has lied to me about!

Anyways tonight she blew up at my husband, cuz he was talking to his brother and was concerned about him for what he was doing. She yelled at him to mind his own business. My husbands response was he is my brother it is my business. She blows up at everyone about everything so I snapped and said you should mind your own business once in a while too!

I never do stuff like that but I’m just sick of it! Tell me your thoughts! Idk if I should’ve done that but couldn’t help it anymore.