Baby came before induction! FAST labor!

Sarah • 💙Leo-4.13.16 🌈Landon-6.23.18

So on Friday the 22nd blood was coming out with my mucus plug. I wasn't having any contractions that day which was odd but when I called L&D; to ask about the blood they said as long as it stays in the mucus it's fine.

I went on with my night normally; ate some dinner, showered etc. Nothing out of the ordinary was happening (besides having 0 contractions since I've been having them for almost 2 weeks and that's why I was going to be induced Tuesday the 26th). I was up late watching Netflix, still not weird since pregnancy triggered some insomnia. Then at about 3am I started getting some bad bad contractions. I just ignored them to the best of my ability because I figured hey, I'm getting induced soon. I don't wanna freak myself out for nothing. I've been at 1cm for weeks.

Around 4am I started to doze off but was waking up every 5 minutes to a contraction. I was in a weird half asleep half awake state. The pains were getting overwhelming so I decided to take a shower. That is also where I took the last picture of my bump

My shower was cut short because I couldnt stand but it also hurt too much to sit. I got dressed and felt like toppling over so I went and woke up my grandma. I told her I was going to pack my hospital bag (I had one ready for the baby, just not yet for me) and that I thought I needed to go to the doctor. It ended up taking me over an hour to put clothes and toiletries in a bag because I had to keep stopping from the pain. Once I got it all together, we headed to the emergency room. We arrived at 8:15am. At this point contractions felt only seconds apart. I was thinking maybe I'd be around 3 maybe 4 cm considering I was at 1cm on Wednesday and it was only Saturday morning. NO. I was at 6cm and got admitted immediately. I contacted my friends and my boyfriend and everyone headed up to the hospital. I immediately requested the epidural. It kicked in good except my right hip/pelvic area was feeling some sharp pains, we just assumed it was just taking longer to kick in there.

A couple of hours pass and they break my waters at 8cm and I immediately dilated to 9. About 3 hours later they tell me I'm at 10cm and we just need baby to move down. After 30mins baby was about +1 or so and we did practice pushes. Then, I started the real ones. It really didnt hurt too bad until the end. I felt him coming out then the doctor and nurses rush my grandma and boyfriend away from me and I started to panic so I just kept pushing. I looked up and seen the doctor pulling the baby and the nurses pushed my legs back farther than they've ever gone. After 2 big pushes the baby was out!!!!

They said I tore upwards but only minor tearing but peeing still hurts like hell and I still needed stitches. But I only pushed for 15 minutes which is awesome!! So, everyone meet the long awaited Landon Silas Ramirez. Born June 23, 2018 at 1:37pm. 8lbs 7.5oz 20.5inches

Also enjoy this comparison of him and his big brother

Leo 4/13/16 7lbs 15oz born at 38 weeks

Landon 6/23/18 8lbs 7.5oz born at 39 weeks